1073DSVR-1172 [VR] Поздравляем с первым проникновением при подготовке к школе (поздравляем) Тщательное измерение тела нового ученика, пришедшего мерить форму полностью обнаженной Сери Мицуха

1073DSVR-1172 [VR] Поздравляем с первым проникновением при подготовке

Принадлежащий:Seri-chan, congratulations on your first penetration in preparation for school (Congratulations) Seri-chan will soon be in grade ○. Today I went to the schools designated uniform store with my mom. This is to have your measurements taken for your new uniform. However, an old store clerk who is infatuated with the cute Seri-chan ends up playing a prank on her in the name of measuring her. Furthermore, her behavior escalates, and she loses her virginity, which she was supposed to give to her boyfriend...